When it’s time to pick up your roots and move into a new home, condo, or apartment, it’s easy for important details to fall through the cracks. After all, it’s not like work, family, or friends just stop being a part of your life. Add in everything you have to manage if you are selling or buying a new home and it’s no wonder that making a move can be so stressful.
The fine folks at Choice Moving Company in Fort Collins understand. We help people make residential moves every day, and we know that our efforts, care, and attention to detail can really help reduce the stress of our clients. To help you with your move, we’ve created a checklist you can use to help ensure that all your important details are covered on time to help you have the smoothest move possible.
For help with the actual move itself, choose the experienced and friendly movers at Choice Moving Company in Fort Collins. Get in touch with us today and let us know what we can do to help.
60-Plus Days Until Moving Day
- Begin sorting items room by room to determine what must come with you and what can be sold, donated, or thrown away. Starting sorting early also helps you get a sense of what you will need in terms of moving materials.
- Start investigating which moving company you will work with and get an estimate.
- Start your moving binder — a place where you can manage estimates, receipts, schedules, and more.
- If you have school-age children, start the process of transferring their records to their new school (if you are changing districts or enrollment zones).
30-60 Days Until Moving Day
- Order your supplies.
- Use up items like cleaning supplies, dried goods, and frozen items that don’t need to move with you.
- If possible, take and record measurements for your new home to make sure furniture and appliances will fit.
30 Days Until Moving Day
- If you haven’t already chosen, then select your moving company and confirm your move date.
- Start packing. This process takes a lot longer than people think so start early and make a plan. We recommend packing the items you use the least first.
- Make sure to label every box that is packed.
- Submit a change of address form to the post office.
- Notify your bank, employer, insurance companies, etc. of your move and new address.
- If you are making a move that will require a change in healthcare providers, then request to have your medical files transferred, or prepared for transfer.
2 Weeks Until Moving Day
- If you haven’t already done so, request the PTO you need from work for the move.
- If your move is a long one, make sure to get any needed maintenance, oil changes, or tire rotations taken care of on your vehicles.
- Arrange for emptying any safety deposit boxes or other physical accounts.
- Call the movers again to ensure your dates are correct and everything is in order.
1 Week Until Moving Day
- Order your prescription refills.
- Pack a bag or suitcase for the move.
2-4 Days Until Moving Day
- Defrost the freezer. This takes longer than many people think.
- Call your movers again to triple check the details of your move.
- Plan the payment for the moving company. Remember that tips are always appreciated for a job done extra well.
Moving Day
- Take inventory and sign the bill of lading prior to the movers leaving. Make sure that you get a copy with the US Department of Transportation number matching the one on your estimate or invoice.

Make The Right Choice and Choose Choice Moving Company in Fort Collins
You have enough on your plate, so let the expert movers at Choice Moving Company in Fort Collins do the heavy lifting for you. Call us today to get your estimate.